Results for 'Dirk Willem Postma'

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  1.  75
    Taking the future seriously: On the inadequacies of the framework of liberalism for environmental education.Dirk Willem Postma - 2002 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 36 (1):41–56.
    International reports on environmental policy promote ‘education for sustainable development’ as an instrument for realising environmental awareness, values and attitudes consistent with the liberal concept of ‘sustainable development’. In this paper the ethical and political-philosophical assumptions of (education for) sustainable development will be criticised. First, it will be argued that (Rawlsian) liberal ethics cannot include obligations towards future generations. Second, the commentary focuses on the economic perspective underlying this liberal framework, its anthropocentric bias and the hierarchical distinction between public and (...)
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    Like a swallow, moving forward in circles: on the future dimension of environmental care and education.Dirk Willem Postma & Paul Smeyers - 2012 - Journal of Moral Education 41 (3):399-412.
    After the moral framework of sustainable development, the focus on climate change appears to take a lead in the practice and theory of environmental education. Inherent in this perspective is an apocalyptic message: if we do not rapidly change our use of energy resources, we will severely harm the life conditions of our children and grandchildren. In this article we argue that environmental educators should liberate us from this highly instrumental dictate by taking their cue from our daily care for (...)
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    The time course of lexical access in speech production: A study of picture naming.Willem J. Levelt, Herbert Schriefers, Dirk Vorberg & Antje S. Meyer - 1991 - Psychological Review 98 (1):122-142.
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    Normal and deviant lexical processing: Reply to Dell and O'Seaghdha (1991).Willem J. Levelt, Herbert Schriefers, Dirk Vorberg & Antje S. Meyer - 1991 - Psychological Review 98 (4):615-618.
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    The Labyrinth of Technology: A Preventive Technology and Economic Strategy as a Way Out.Willem Vanderburg - 2000 - University of Toronto Press.
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    The Classical Model of Science: a millennia-old model of scientific rationality.Willem Jong & Arianna Betti - 2010 - Synthese 174 (2):185-203.
    Throughout more than two millennia philosophers adhered massively to ideal standards of scientific rationality going back ultimately to Aristotle’s Analytica posteriora. These standards got progressively shaped by and adapted to new scientific needs and tendencies. Nevertheless, a core of conditions capturing the fundamentals of what a proper science should look like remained remarkably constant all along. Call this cluster of conditions the Classical Model of Science. In this paper we will do two things. First of all, we will propose a (...)
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  7. Religion, Science and Naturalism.Willem B. Drees - 1997 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 18 (3):297-300.
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    What Constitutes a Theoretical Contribution in the Business and Society Field?Dirk Matten, Bryan W. Husted, Irene Henriques & Andrew Crane - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (6):783-791.
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  9. Empiricism, Perceptual Knowledge, Normativity, and Realism: Essays on Wilfrid Sellars.Willem A. DeVries (ed.) - 2009 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Leading philosophers from both sides of the Atlantic present essays on Wilfrid Sellars's Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind, one of the crowning achievements of 20th-century analytic philosophy. They discuss empiricism, perception, epistemology, realism, and normativity, showing how vibrant Sellarsian philosophy remains in the 21st century.
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  10. (1 other version)McDowell, Sellars, and Sense Impressions.Willem A. DeVries - 2006 - European Journal of Philosophy 14 (2):182-201.
    this essay argues that John McDowell's argument that sensations are a useless 'fifth wheel' in Wilfrid Sellars' philosophy of experience fails.
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  11. (1 other version)Hegelian Spirits in Sellarsian Bottles.Willem deVries - 2016 - Philosophical Studies:1-12.
    Though Wilfrid Sellars portrayed himself as a latter-day Kantian, I argue here that he was at least as much a Hegelian. Several themes Sellars shares with Hegel are investigated: the sociality and normativity of the intentional, categorial change, the rejection of the given, and especially their denial of an unknowable thing-in-itself. They are also united by an emphasis on the unity of things—the belief that things do ‘‘hang together.’’ Hegel’s unity is idealist; Sellars’ is physicalist; the differences are substantial, but (...)
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  12.  52
    Publishing Country Studies in Business & Society: Or, Do We Care About CSR in Mongolia?Dirk Matten, Bryan W. Husted, Irene Henriques & Andrew Crane - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (1):3-10.
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  13. Why and how to naturalize epistemology.Dirk Koppelberg - 1990 - In Barret And Gibson, Perspectives on Quine. pp. 200--11.
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    “Playing God? Yes!” Religion in the Light of Technology.Willem B. Drees - 2002 - Zygon 37 (3):643-654.
    If we appeal to God when our technology (including medicine) fails, we assume a “ God of the gaps.” It is religiously preferable to appreciate technological competence. Our successes challenge, however, religious convictions. Modifying words and images is not enough, as technology affects theology more deeply. This is illustrated by the history of chemistry. Chemistry has been perceived as wanting to transform and purify reality rather than to understand the created order. Thus, unlike biology and physics, chemistry did not provide (...)
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    La Sémantique et sa Portée Philosophique.Evert Willem Beth - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (3):357-358.
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    La conception stoïcienne du bonheur chez Montesquieu et chez quelques-uns de ses contemporains.Machiel Willem Rombout - 1958 - Leiden,: Universitaire Pers Leiden.
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  17.  28
    Ethical reasoning in business‐to‐business negotiations: evidence from relationships in the chemical industry in Germany.Dirk C. Moosmayer, Thomas Niemand & Florian U. Siems - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (2):128-143.
    This article explores managers’ ethical reasoning for behaviors in price negotiations using evidence from 15 in-depth interviews conducted with sales and purchasing representatives in the chemical industry in Germany. Applying transaction cost economics, we find that negotiators in commoditized market-like exchanges either refer to deontological norms such as not to lie, or they neglect a role for ethics, arguing that distributive negotiation is per se opportunistic. In contrast, exchanges of products with higher asset specificity lead to stronger informational integration which (...)
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  18. Foundationalism and coherentism reconsidered.Dirk Koppelberg - 1998 - Erkenntnis 49 (3):255-283.
  19. Was ist Naturalismus in der gegenwärtigen Philosophie.Dirk Koppelberg - 2000 - In Geert Keil & Herbert Schnädelbach, Naturalismus: philosophische Beiträge. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. pp. 68--91.
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    Naturwissenschaftliche Theorien. Wissenschaftstheoretische Grundlagen am Beispiel der Psychologie.Dirk Hartmann - 1993 - B.I. Wissenschaftsverlag.
    Dieses Buch hat sich die Aufgabe gestellt, den Beitrag der allgemeinen Wissenschaftstheorie der Naturwissenschaften zur Forschungsmethodik des naturwissenschaftlich arbeitenden Zweiges der Psychologie zu erbringen. Im Anschluss an die Ausarbeitung der Programmatik einer Protopsychologie – der Wissenschaftstheorie der Psychologie – werden traditionelle wissenschaftstheoretische Probleme erörtert, welche für die naturwissenschaftliche Psychologie – aber auch für andere Naturwissenschaften – von Relevanz sind. Die Themenpalette reicht hierbei von der Frage nach den wesentlichen Merkmalen von Naturgesetzen bis hin zur Planung, Durchführung und Evaluation von Experimenten. (...)
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  21. Thick Naturalism: Comments on Zygon 2000.Willem B. Drees - 2000 - Zygon 35 (4):849-860.
    The term naturalism arouses strong emotions; religious naturalism even more. In this essay, naturalism is explored in a variety of contexts, in contrast to supernaturalism (in metaphysics), normativism (in ethics and epistemology), and rationalism (in the philosophy of mind). It is argued that religious naturalism becomes a “thick” naturalism, a way of life rather than just a philosophical position. We can discern a subculture with a historical identity, a variety of dialects, stories that evoke attitudes and feelings, as well as (...)
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  22. Brigands and virtuous musicians : representations of Roma ("Gypsies") as oriental other in the eastern part of the Habsburg Monarchy during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.Robert Born & Dirk Suckow - 2021 - In Marsha Morton & Barbara Larson, Constructing race on the borders of Europe: ethnography, anthropology, and visual culture, 1850-1930. New York: Bloomsbury Visual Arts.
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    Where in the world is the speed/accuracy trade-off?P. A. Hancock & Willem B. Verwey - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):310-311.
    Even though Plamondon's kinematic model fits the data well, we do not share the view that it explains movements other than ballistic ones. The model does not account for closed-loop control, which is the more common type of movement in everyday life, nor does it account for recent data indicating interference with ongoing processing.
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    Decency versus justice: the call for morality in the Netherlands.Jan Willem Sap - 1997 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
  25.  8
    Memory and Identity in the Learned World: Community Formation in the Early Modern World of Learning and Science.Koen Scholten, Dirk van Miert & Karl A. E. Enenkel (eds.) - 2022 - BRILL.
    Accounts and analyses of the formation of scholarly and scientific communities in the early modern period by means of memory and collective identity.
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    Bioethics in South Africa.Solomon R. Benatar & Willem A. Landman - 2006 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 15 (3):239-247.
    Since the early 20th century, bioethics in South Africa has moved through several stages, responding to the same forces and developments as elsewhere, for example in the United Kingdom and United States. In addition, some unique developments in South Africa, for example the death of Steve Biko, the HIV/AIDS pandemic, and a peaceful transition to democracy with increased focus on human rights have given bioethics in South Africa its own dimension. Bioethics in South Africa reflects the general concerns of the (...)
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    Amicitia Dei as Ultimate Reality: An Outline of the Covenant Theology of Johannes Cocceius (1603–1669).Willem J. van Asselt - 1998 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 21 (1):35-47.
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    Contingent Reality as Participation.Dirk Evers - 2015 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 2 (2):216.
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  29. Truth and Speech Acts: Studies in the Philosophy of Language.Dirk Greimann & Geo Siegwart (eds.) - 2007 - London: Routledge.
    Whereas the relationship between truth and propositional content has already been intensively investigated, there are only very few studies devoted to the task of illuminating the relationship between truth and illocutionary acts. This book fills that gap. This innovative collection addresses such themes as: the relation between the concept of truth and the success conditions of assertions and kindred speech acts the linguistic devices of expressing the truth of a proposition the relation between predication and truth.
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    On Abstraction and the Importance of Asking the Right Research Questions: Could Jordan have Proved the Jordan-Hölder Theorem?Dirk Schlimm - 2008 - Erkenntnis 68 (3):409-420.
    In 1870 Jordan proved that the composition factors of two composition series of a group are the same. Almost 20 years later Hölder (1889) was able to extend this result by showing that the factor groups, which are quotient groups corresponding to the composition factors, are isomorphic. This result, nowadays called the Jordan-Hölder Theorem, is one of the fundamental theorems in the theory of groups. The fact that Jordan, who was working in the framework of substitution groups, was able to (...)
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    Attention maintains mental extrapolation of target position: irrelevant distractors eliminate forward displacement after implied motion.Dirk Kerzel - 2003 - Cognition 88 (1):109-131.
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  32. Where to Look for Guidance? On the Nature of “Religion and Science”.Willem B. Drees - 2004 - Zygon 39 (2):367-378.
    Abstract.For moral guidance we human beings may be tempted to turn toward the past (scripture, tradition), toward present science, or toward future consequences. Each of these approaches has strengths and limitations. To address those limitations, we need to consider how these various perspectives can be brought together—and “religion and science” is an area in which this may happen. That makes the question of where to look for guidance potentially a central one for religion and science, setting the agenda differently from (...)
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  33.  58
    Politics, Virtue and Political Science: An interpretation of Spinoza's political philosophy.Hans Willem Blom - 1985 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 1:209-230.
  34. Spinoza et les problèmes d'une théorie de la societé commerçante.Hans Willem Blom - 1988 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 4:281-304.
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    Luhmann Applied.Soren Brier, Dirk Baecker & Ole Thyssen (eds.) - 2008 - Imprint Academic.
    This book brings together international experts on the application of Niklas Luhmann’s theory of society as autopoietic communication. Luhmann’s sociological systems theory is counter-intuitive and in its detached coolness difficult for many to understand and accept. Naturally they ask: is it really worth the trouble to learn? This book demonstrates what this combination of systems theory, Batesonian information theory, von Foerster’s second-order cybernetics, Maturana and Varela’s autopoiesis and Husserl’s phenomenology can offer. The book is produced in cooperation with the Sociocybernetic (...)
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  36.  10
    Do we need summary and sequential scanning in (Cognitive) grammar?Cristiano Broccias & Willem B. Hollmann - 2007 - Cognitive Linguistics 18 (4):487-522.
    Cognitive Grammar postulates two modes of cognitive processing for the structuring of complex scenes, summary scanning and sequential scanning. Generally speaking, the theory is committed to basing grammatical concepts upon more general cognitive principles. In the case of summary and sequential scanning, independent evidence is lacking, but Langacker argues that the distinction should nonetheless be accepted as it buys us considerable theory-internal explanatory power. For example, dynamic prepositions, to-infinitives and participles (e.g., into, to enter, entered ) are distinguished from finite (...)
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  37. Wide physical realization.Willem M. de Muynck - 2003 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 46 (1):97-111.
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  38. (1 other version)Wider besseren Wissens? : Anthropologiekritik und Anthropologiebedarf bei Jürgen Habermas.Dirk Jörke - 2015 - In Marc Rölli, Fines Hominis?: Zur Geschichte der Philosophischen Anthropologiekritik. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
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    Mental and sensorimotor extrapolation fare better than motion extrapolation in the offset condition.Dirk Kerzel & Jochen Müsseler - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (2):206-207.
    Evidence for motion extrapolation at motion offset is scarce. In contrast, there is abundant evidence that subjects mentally extrapolate the future trajectory of weak motion signals at motion offset. Further, pointing movements overshoot at motion offset. We believe that mental and sensorimotor extrapolation is sufficient to solve the problem of perceptual latencies. Both present the advantage of being much more flexible than motion extrapolation.
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    Wahrheitsrelativismus.Dirk Kindermann - 2015 - In Nikola Kompa, Handbuch Sprachphilosophie. Stuttgart: Metzler. pp. 106-13.
    The paper gives a short introduction to and overview of truth relativism in recent philosophy of language.
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    Quine and the analytic tradition.Dirk Koppelberg - 1989 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 20 (2):367-372.
    Professor Joseph Agassi hat in dieser Zeitschrift meine Analyse von Quines Stellung in der analytischen Tradition kritisiert und dabei insbesondere die Irrelevanz von Neurath betont und Quines Nähe zu Popper herausgestellt. In meiner Antwort geht es mir sowohl um eine Rehabilitation Neuraths als auch um die Unterschiede von Quines Philosophie zu Popper und Wittgenstein.
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  42. Should we replace knowledge by understanding? — A comment on Elgin and Goodman's reconception of epistemology.Dirk Koppelberg - 1993 - Synthese 95 (1):119 - 128.
    Goodman and Elgin have recommended a reconception of philosophy. A central part of their recommendation is to replace knowledge by understanding. According to Elgin, some important internalist and externalist theories of knowledge favor a sort of undesirable cognitive minimalism. Against Elgin I try to show how the challenge of cognitive minimalism can be met. Goodman and Elgin claim that defeat and confusion are built into the concept of knowledge. They demand either its revision or its replacement or its supplement. I (...)
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  43. 'At the resurrection we will not recognise one another': Radical devaluation of social relations in the lost model of anastasius'and pseudo-athanasius'questions and answers.Dirk Krausmüller - 2013 - Byzantion 83:201-227.
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    Moral Rectitude vs. Ascetic Prowess: The Anonymous Treatise On Asceticism(Edition, Translation and Dating).Dirk Krausmüller - 2007 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 100 (1):101-124.
  45. Religious instruction for laypeople in byzantium: Stephen of nicomedia, nicephorus ouranos, and the pseudo-athanasian syntagma ad quendam politicum.Dirk Krausmoller - 2007 - Byzantion 77:239-250.
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  46.  21
    Science, Religion, and Public Policy.Arthur C. Petersen & Willem B. Drees - 2018 - Zygon 53 (4):945-952.
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    Economism and its Limits.Jonathan Wolff & Dirk Haubrich - 2009 - The Oxford Handbook of Public Policy.
    This article addresses the difficulties that the phases of economic evaluations give rise to in theory and practice. It provides a brief outline of the meaning of economism — as a term and a concept — and then explores the issues that are related to the measurement and monetary valuation of the items to be included in economic evaluations, otherwise known as the valuation problem. The article also deals with the commensurability problem and the intrinsic value problem. Finally, some of (...)
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  48. Putting “Religion and Science” in its Place: Diversity.Willem B. Drees - 2009 - Zygon 44 (4):755-756.
  49.  46
    On "Sophist" 255B-E.Willem A. deVries - 1988 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 5 (4):385-394.
    AT Sophist 255b7-e the Eleatic Stranger gives two arguments, one to show that being and identity are not the same, and one to show that being and otherness are not the same. Scholars have not paid them particularly close attention, but it seems generally agreed that the two arguments are quite different. In this paper I shall offer an interpretation which shows that the two arguments, though superficially quite different, are intrinsically and importantly related. Specifically, in the first argument the (...)
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    Discussion with Harry Frankfurt - Frankfurt on Care, Autonomy and the Self.Willem Lemmens - 1998 - Ethical Perspectives 5 (1):36-43.
    In his moral psychology, Prof. Frankfurt pays special attention to two strongly related issues which should be given pride of place in every genuine account of human action and behaviour: these issues are the problem of personal autonomy and what I would like to call the problem of self-constitution. The first concerns the question what it means to be a fully human, rational agent, i.e., someone who is accountable for and in one way or another conscious of what he does (...)
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